If you have been trying to conceive naturally for a year but have not been successful, it is called infertility, then artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization should be performed. Artificial insemination is the introduction of sperm directly into a woman’s body to help achieve fertilization, while in vitro fertilization is a special technique that helps sperm and eggs combine in a laboratory environment. experiment. After collecting the sperm and eggs, they are cultured in test tubes or culture dishes (petri dishes), and healthy embryos are placed into the lining of the woman’s uterus, an implantation procedure. 

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People who need IVF are those who cannot conceive naturally, have ovulation disorders, fallopian tube abnormalities, fertilization disorders, cell division abnormalities and uterine diseases. 


Before in vitro fertilization, different tests are needed to check the health of both husband and wife. Tests include checking the uterus, ovulation, sperm presence and health, etc. In addition, it is also necessary to check in advance to see if there is a cause of bleeding or ovarian hemorrhage due to damage to the ovaries, uterus, or blood vessels when retrieving eggs during test tube surgery. General liver function tests, urine tests, and blood tests are also performed. 


The first step of the procedure is to induce multiple ovulation to collect many healthy mature eggs. Ovulation stimulants are administered orally or injected under the skin, and ultrasound will monitor follicle development every 2-3 days. If collected too early, the eggs will remain immature, and if too late, the success rate will decrease. Therefore, in the process of causing super ovulation, it is very important to conduct ultrasound and closely observe the development of follicles and determine the time of egg retrieval. 


After determining the time to retrieve eggs, the eggs will mature and the subject will receive ovulation stimulation injections. Eggs will be retrieved 36 hours after injection. After injecting an intravenous anesthetic, we will examine the ovaries with a vaginal ultrasound and the eggs are retrieved by inserting a needle through the vagina. 

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On the day of sampling, we also collected the husband’s semen. Eggs and sperm obtained in this way are fertilized in a culture tube (test tube), the fertilized embryo will be grown for another 2 to 5 days and then implanted into the wife’s uterus. 


After the embryo implantation is complete, the couple can go home and wait for changes. You can do simple exercises or take a bath, but you should not take a sauna, drink alcohol and smoke, because it increases body temperature. In addition, if you feel pain or excessive bleeding, you should go to the hospital immediately. 


A blood test is done about 12 days after egg retrieval to check if chorionic gonadotropin is detected. If this hormone is detected, it means the fertilized egg has implanted, but an accurate pregnancy will be checking the fetal heart rate via ultrasound about 3-4 weeks after egg retrieval. Symptoms after IVF (in vitro fertilization) are similar to those experienced during a normal pregnancy if implantation is successful. 

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