What is Canthoplasty Surgery? 

This is a surgical method to widen the hidden part of the eye to increase the width of the eye. The average length of Asian eyes is about 28-29mm, and increasing the size to 31-32mm will help the eyes look more elegant. 

How many types of Canthoplasty Surgery are there? 

Types of Canthoplasty Surgery are divided into: Lateral Canthoplasty, Epicanthoplasty, Dual Canthoplasty, Lateral Canthoplasty , and also Full Canthoplasty (opening 4 corners of the eye). 

Nowadays, Canthoplasty Surgery has become very popular. Canthoplasty Surgery is often performed with eyelid surgery because this is a procedure that helps increase eye size and create beautiful eyes, something that is difficult to achieve with double eyelid surgery alone. Each person has a different eye condition and shape, so it is necessary to understand exactly what needs to be fixed and choose the appropriate surgical method. 


How long can results be maintained after surgery? 

The results of canthal surgery are long-lasting, but may not be permanent. Aging and other factors can cause the outer corner of the eye to droop or sag over time. 


Can I have normal make-up immediately after surgery? 

After surgery, if the swelling has decreased and your eyes are in a comfortable state, you can apply eye makeup 1 week after the stitches are removed. 


If you have any questions about Canthoplasty Surgery or any other questions about eye fixing . Please leave a comment, we will answer all your questions~ 


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