There is no special food or nutrient that can cure cancer, and it is important to maintain good nutrition with a balanced diet. 

To do this, you need to eat a diet that provides enough energy, protein, vitamins and minerals, which can be done by eating a variety of foods. 


General dietary guidelines for cancer patients 

  1. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner regularly, and eat side dishes equally.
  2. Eat a protein-rich side dish at every meal (If you don’t like meat or fish, eat eggs, tofu, beans or cheese instead).
  3. At least 2 side dishes of vegetables at each meal (if it is difficult to chew or swallow, chop or grind before eating).
  4. Eat more than one type of fruit, 1-2 times a day (if your resistance is weak, wash and remove the peel or juice).
  5. Drink 1 cup of dairy products every day (if milk is not suitable, you can replace it with yogurt, soy milk, cheese or ice cream).
  6. Each meal should have about 1 bowl of rice (if rice is difficult to eat, replace it with porridge, bread, cake, potatoes, sweet potatoes, noodles, rice flour…, if you eat less rice, supplement it with snacks.)
  7. If you need extra calories, use more vegetable oils and nuts.
  8. Use spices moderately.


Recommended foods: Mixed grains and beans such as brown rice, barley and fermented black beans. Colorful vegetables and fruits like bell peppers, carrots, squash, cabbage, kale, and eggplant 

Foods to avoid: Alcohol, unsanitary foods, processed foods, burnt foods. 

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