Medical Interpretation - liveagain

Medical Interpretation

The biggest concern when seeking treatment in a foreign country is the language barrier. Difficulties in communication often prevent many patients from choosing treatment in Korea, despite its highly advanced medical system.

To address this, Live Again has established a team of professional medical interpreters at hospitals to help patients overcome these concerns and ensure a smooth treatment experience in Korea.


Live Again’s medical coordinator provides interpretation services for professors and thyroid patients at Asan Medical Center in Seoul.

The medical coordinator will accompany the patient throughout the entire process, from preparation to admission and treatment, providing step-by-step guidance and free interpretation services. The coordinator is responsible for informing the patient of their schedule and offering interpretation support whenever communication with the hospital is needed. Available 24/7, the coordinator is always ready to assist, even during late-night emergencies, early mornings, or weekends. With this dedicated support, patients can feel completely confident in choosing Live Again’s services.

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