The stomach has the function of temporarily storing and digesting food. After gastric bypass surgery, both of these functions will be impaired and the patient may experience the following symptoms: 


► Weight loss: About 6 months after surgery, the average patient loses 10-15% and even 20% of their weight due to reduced food intake and weakened ability to absorb nutrients. 

► Dumping syndrome: due to food going into the small intestine too quickly, causing the small intestine to expand and intestinal motility to become active. Patients experience symptoms such as abdominal pain, bloating, vomiting, diarrhea, nausea, headache and cold sweat. To prevent dumping syndrome, chew slowly, thoroughly and divide into several small meals. 

► Reflux esophagitis, gastritis: Occurs when the pyloric sphincter disappears after surgery, causing reflux of pancreatic juice and bile in the small intestine, causing irritation of the stomach lining or esophagus. To prevent illness, you should not lie down immediately after eating but should lie on your side and go to sleep 2 hours after eating. 

► Anemia: This condition can occur due to poor absorption of iron and vitamin B12 after surgery. 

► Constipation/Diarrhea: patients may be temporarily constipated due to eating less after surgery and have steatorrhea, diarrhea or soft stools due to reduced fat absorption. Therefore, after surgery, you should avoid eating too much and divide it into many small meals. 

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