In early November 2022, Live Again received a case of Brain Tumor of 9-year-old girl H.L. The situation at that time in Vietnam was that the tumor could not be biopsied because the equipment was sealed, so the next treatment steps could not be continued, making the family very worried.
Accidentally knowing about Live Again – an agency that supports patients going to Korea for treatment, the patient contacted us for advice about their child’s illness. After receiving the baby’s documents, Live Again made a request for “Remote examination” for this case. Through Remote Examination, the Doctor at Asan Hospital re-read the baby’s MRI results, analyzed the baby’s condition and provided appropriate treatment for the baby.

Images of actual remote consultation cases

At that time, the family was very worried about having to be treated in a foreign country, along with the burden of costs when the family was not very well off. However, with the hope that their daughter would be as healthy as her friends her age, the family decided to go to Asan Hospital for treatment.
After the family decided, Live Again supported the patient with medical visa procedures and guided the patient in completing the visa application. With the guarantee of Asan Hospital and the support of Live Again company, the patient was able to obtain a medical visa. At the same time, Live Again helps patients buy plane tickets, find accommodation near the hospital in case of outpatient treatment, and book airport shuttle for patients.

Images of direct examination and treatment at Asan Medical Center

After arriving at Asan hospital, mother and child were picked up by Live Again’s coordinator team and taken to the hospital to go through hospital admission procedures. “Thanks to Live Again’s two Vietnamese interpreters, I feel more secure” – Ms. H., the patient’s mother, shared. The presiding doctor is the doctor who examined the baby remotely, so the doctor is the one who clearly understands the baby’s illness. During my doctor’s visits, Live Again’s coordinator always accompanied me to translate for the family. After the biopsy, the doctor decided to give the baby chemotherapy using a Cyber knife. With Asan Hospital’s modern equipment, as well as the advantages of Cyber Knife radiotherapy, the patient has limited wound area on the head, has few side effects, and especially the procedure time is quick. . After only about…. month, the baby was discharged from the hospital and returned to Vietnam.
Ms. H shared, “When I first started, I worried about everything. However, after being here, there were ladies who took care of and supported her, giving her a lot of peace of mind. Someday, when I return to Vietnam, I will introduce Asan hospital to everyone I meet and introduce them to Live Again to let many people know. My mother and I thank you very much.” Hearing such sharing, Live Again also feels lucky to be able to help the child’s successful treatment and return, happy to contribute a small part in the child’s story.

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